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Victoria Seca

Victoria Seca

Victoria Seca is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Human, Social and Environmental Sciences in Mendoza, Argentina, a center of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). Prior to starting her postdoctoral work Victoria holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the National University of Cuyo, a BA in Sociology from the same faculty, and graduated as a Specialist in public policies for equality from CLACSO.

She has expertise in qualitative research, and research topics are focused in youth studies, social movements and gender studies. With particular interest in the experiences of youth collective action, youth engagement and activism, and the study of political participation and social conflict from a generational perspective. She, also, teaches in the specialisation for educators in education and gender.

Victoria is a member of several research teams on youth and political, cultural and student participation in Argentina, in these past few years, she has also been a speaker at national and international conferences and has published articles and studies on the sociology of youth.

She is author of the chapter Estamos haciendo historia: activismos juveniles por el derecho al aborto en Mendoza (Argentina) about youth activism for abortion rights and she is the co- author (with Octavio Stacchiola) of 'Las juventudes' rising. Argentina's local, global and innovate youth activism(The sociological review magazine). About the situation of young people in the covid-19 pandemic, she wrote (with Emiliana Segatore) Sin un cuarto propio: trayectorias juveniles y cuidado infantil durante el aislamiento por Covid-19 en Mendoza (Argentina) (Última década) and (with Pedro Nuñez & Valentina Arce Castello) Diversificación de la estructura de la escuela secundaria y segmentación educativa en América Latina: la experiencia de adolescentes y jóvenes en la Argentina (CEPAL/UNICEF).

We acknowledge that the Centre for Urban Youth Research is located on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Algonquin-Anishnaabe peoples. As guests in this territory, we strive to work in collaboration and solidarity with the Algonquin peoples and other Indigenous, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples on Turtle Island and globally to advance the recognition of truth and the fulfilment of (re)conciliation.


CUYR is located on campus at Carleton University in Dunton Tower, Room 1929
1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6

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