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Stuart R. Poyntz

Stuart R. Poyntz

Stuart R. Poyntz is Professor and Director of the School of Communication and a Director of the Community Engaged Research Initiative (CERi) at Simon Fraser University. His work in participatory research has largely involved teenagers in informal learning spaces and art institutes. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University, Hong Kong Baptist University and the University of British Columbia, and was President of the Association for Research in Cultures of Young People.


Stuarts research addresses childrens media cultures, theories of public life, social care and urban youth cultures. He has published four books and is co-author of the forthcoming monograph, Youthsites: Histories of Creativity, Care and Learning in the City (Oxford UP). He has also published widely in national and international peer-reviewed journals, including Oxford Review of Education, Popular Culture, Journal of Children and Media, Canadian Journal of Communication, Cultural Studies, Studies in Social Justice, Journal of Youth Studies, Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, and in various edited collections.

We acknowledge that the Centre for Urban Youth Research is located on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Algonquin-Anishnaabe peoples. As guests in this territory, we strive to work in collaboration and solidarity with the Algonquin peoples and other Indigenous, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples on Turtle Island and globally to advance the recognition of truth and the fulfilment of (re)conciliation.


CUYR is located on campus at Carleton University in Dunton Tower, Room 1929
1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6

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