Ann Fudge Schormans
Dr. Ann Fudge Schormans is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work at McMaster University. She received her Master of Social Work from McMaster, and her Ph.D. in Social Work from the University of Toronto. Many years of social work practice working with people living with disabilities, combined with ongoing activist work, informs her teaching and research.
Employing inclusive, co-researcher methodologies and knowledge production, along with arts-informed methods, her research focuses on issues identified by people with disabilities as being important to their lives. Recently completed and current projects include explorations into the use of city space by people labeled with intellectual disabilities; the intersection of intellectual disability, education, employment and homelessness; parenting experiences and aspirations of people with intellectual disabilities; and friendships and social inclusion of youth with intellectual disabilities. A project exploring masculinity and disability, and another working with survivors of Ontario’s institutions, are also underway.